Strategic Plan | Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill


Trinity's Strategic Plan

Tell the Coming Generation

Trinity School enters this phase with nearly three decades of God’s blessing and the resources he has given us to steward. The next few years are hinge years for the school, when we have the opportunity to pass the mission and the leadership along to another generation. Such transitional times present challenges, but also wonderful opportunities.

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Passing Trinity’s Mission to a New Generation

There’s no such thing as a strategic plan, only strategic planning.

These words from former Trinity Board member and Duke political science professor Peter Feaver speak to the wisdom of the plan you are reviewing today. Forming a plan forces decisions, limits possibilities, and creates clarity.

We are clear that job #1 for Trinity is to pass the mission along to the next generation. You will see key parts of this here— translating the mission into the current generation’s vernacular, keeping faculty and staff at the center, and aligning the student experience with the mission through expanded Bible and Theology and Service Learning programs. This is God’s school. He guided us when we founded it. We go to him every day and ask, “What do you have for us next?” This plan represents what we have heard from him. It also reminds us that listening to him and answering to him is the most important thing.”

Forming Our Students’ Purpose

Priority #1 

Trinity’s mission is inspiring and has built a strong learning community, but the coming generation will live it out in even greater ways as we align their experience with the mission.

View Khiley’s Story



Sustaining our Faculty’s Calling

Priority #2

Our faculty are passionate, dedicated individuals called to educate the next generation. This strategic plan will make it possible for our teachers to stay at Trinity for their full careers, while improving our school's opportunities to recruit the strong, diverse, missional talent that will be needed over the coming years.

View Ricky’s Story



Partnering Together for the Future

Priority #3

Partnering together to strengthen our finances and make long-term campus upgrades, including a new campus master plan, will address the crucial needs of the next generation and allow Trinity’s mission to flourish in this community for decades to come.

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Campus Master Plan

Download the Full Master Plan


Now is the time to shepherd the next generation for all time.

If we invest wisely together in the next few years, we will make it possible for Trinity’s mission to flourish in this community for decades to come. This opportunity will not come again. This is our moment to pass the torch well.

Will you labor alongside us to equip our students, faculty, and campus? Will you pray that Trinity's Christian, classical, rich, and unhurried education continues? Will you financially support Trinity so it can point others toward Jesus today and for years to come?

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